Parking Permit FAQ
- Where can I buy a permit?
Permits are sold online at
- Do I need to purchase a permit to park on campus?
- What's the difference between the Student Annual, Academic, and Y permits?
Student permit options and information can be found here. If you're uncertain which option would work best for you, please consult our parking map and reach out to us with any questions.
You can check out our campus map here to see where each permit is valid.
- How do I pay for my student permit?
- What's the difference between a the Employee Academic, Annual, and Y Lot permits?
Employee permit options and information can be found here. If you're uncertain which option would work best for you, please consult our parking map and reach out to us with any questions..
You can check out our campus map here to see where each permit is valid.
- How do Employee pay for a parking permit?
All Faculty/Staff permits must be purchased by credit or debit card. The 2018 Tax Cut and Jobs Act disallowed payroll deductions for parking permits along with other qualified transportation fringe benefits.
Faculty/Staff have the option of paying for their permit annually or monthly. When purchasing a monthly permit, a $11 set up fee will be applied at time of purchase and your card will be charged monthly on the 15th.
If we find monthly permits with a delinquent balance, the permit will be disabled and you will be responsible for any citations received while the permit is deactivated. Once the balance is paid in full and we have been notified, the permit will be reactivated.
- If I order the wrong permit, can I change it?
- What should I do if I accidentally enter incorrect vehicle information when ordering
a permit?
If you enter the incorrect vehicle information, please contact Parking Services with the correct information and we will be able to update it in our system.
- How do I get my permit?
All permits will be mailed to the address you enter; please make sure you enter the most accessible mailing address. Permits will not be available for pick up in the Parking Services office. If you do not receive your permit three weeks after purchasing, please contact Parking Services.
- How long will it take for me to get my permit in the mail?
Permits are expected to be delivered 8-21 days from purchase. While you wait for your permit to arrive, please display the three week temporary permit that has been emailed to you on your dashboard. If after the 21st day you have not received your permit, please contact Parking Services.
- Can I purchase a permit at any point in the year?
- What do I do if I get a ticket?
Students, employees, and visitors have the ability to pay and appeal citations online at If you have questions about a citation you have received, please contact Parking Services.